Form 990-N & 990 EZ E-filing Made Easy

Form 990-N & 990 EZ E-filing Made Easy

File 990 imports all relevant data about your nonprofit directly from the IRS database. You just need to know your nonprofit organization's tax EIN, and we’ll get the return started for you.

  • Secure With IRS 990-N & 990 EZ E-File

    File 990 uses bank level security to ensure your personal information is kept safe while e-filing your nonprofit’s taxes. As an authorized IRS e-filer, you can rest assured your 990-N and/or 990-EZ return will be submitted securely to the IRS.

  • Never File Your 990-N & 990 EZ Late Again

    We’ll save your fiscal period and send you a reminder when it’s time to file next year’s 990 forms. We’ll save all of your data too, making the next filing a breeze.

  • Fast And Easy Filing For Your 990 Forms

    File your nonprofit tax return in minutes instead of hours. Just answer a series of simple questions, and we’ll do all the heavy lifting as you complete your IRS Form 990-N or 990-EZ. You can file your current year's return and previous years, too.

Nonprofit Organizations With Multiple Chapters Or Components

Keeping track of hundreds or thousands of chapters and components can be a huge undertaking. Our nonprofit tax e-filing platform automatically tracks the filing status of each component and sends reminders for you when it is time for them to flie.


Never lose exempt status

File 990 let’s you filter by components that will lose their exempt status for failing to file this year, making it easy for you to focus on your nonprofit groups that need assistance.

Track Component Filing

Import your EIN list to see all your component tax filings in real-time. Easily view filings by year or by organization.


Remind Components To File

Each one of your chapters or component groups will receive an email when it’s time to file their Form 990. Treasurer's don’t even need to know their EIN to file their nonprofit return, they just have to click the link in the reminder email to begin the filing process.

Authorized IRS E-Filer For Forms 990-N And 990 EZ For Nonprofit Chapters

Authorized IRS E-Filer For Forms 990-N And 990 EZ For Nonprofit Chapters

The user experience is extremely simple for your components. They just review the data we provide, answer any remaining questions and click submit.

Get started now
authorized provider Provider

For Organizations Who File Taxes On Behalf Of Their Nonprofit Chapters Or Components

Having a staff member file 990-N forms on behalf of your components can take weeks of valuable time each year. Our group-filing system turns that time into minutes.

990-N Component

File for all of your 990-N component groups at once with our group-filing tool. Instantly receive verification of accepted returns and track any returns that fail.


All of your components’ filing information is pulled directly from the IRS database to ensure accuracy. Just review the information and submit all the nonprofit tax returns at once.